Java Card

Uses of Class

Packages that use Object Defines a subset of the package in the standard Java programming language. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java Card technology subset of the Java programming language. 
java.rmi Defines the Remote interface which identifies interfaces whose methods can be invoked from card acceptance device (CAD) client applications. 
javacard.framework Provides a framework of classes and interfaces for building, communicating with and working with Java Card technology-based applets. 
javacard.framework.service Provides a service framework of classes and interfaces that allow a Java Card technology-based applet to be designed as an aggregation of service components. Provides classes and interfaces that contain publicly-available functionality for implementing a security and cryptography framework on the Java Card platform. 
javacardx.biometry Extension package that contains functionality for implementing a biometric framework on the Java Card platform. 
javacardx.crypto Extension package that contains functionality, which may be subject to export controls, for implementing a security and cryptography framework on the Java Card platform. 
javacardx.external Extension package that provides mechanisms to access memory subsystems which are not directly addressable by the Java Card runtime environment(Java Card RE) on the Java Card platform. 
javacardx.framework.math Extension package that contains common utility functions for BCD math and parity computations. 
javacardx.framework.tlv Extension package that contains functionality, for managing storage for BER TLV formatted data, based on the ASN.1 BER encoding rules of ISO/IEC 8825-1:2002, as well as parsing and editing BER TLV formatted data in I/O buffers. 
javacardx.framework.util Extension package that contains common utility functions for manipulating arrays of primitive components - byte, short or int
javacardx.framework.util.intx Extension package that contains common utility functions for using int components. 

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class IOException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of IOException is thrown to signal that an I/O exception of some sort has occurred.

Uses of Object in java.lang

Subclasses of Object in java.lang
 class ArithmeticException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of ArithmeticException is thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
 class ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index.
 class ArrayStoreException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of ArrayStoreException is thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store the wrong type of object into an array of objects.
 class ClassCastException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of ClassCastException is thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance.
 class Exception
          The class Exception and its subclasses are a form of Throwable that indicate conditions that a reasonable applet might want to catch.
 class IndexOutOfBoundsException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array) is out of range.
 class NegativeArraySizeException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of NegativeArraySizeException is thrown if an applet tries to create an array with negative size.
 class NullPointerException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of NullPointerException is thrown when an applet attempts to use null in a case where an object is required.
 class RuntimeException
          RuntimeException is the superclass of those exceptions that can be thrown during the normal operation of the Java Card Virtual Machine.
 class SecurityException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of SecurityException is thrown by the Java Card Virtual Machine to indicate a security violation.
 class Throwable
          The Throwable class is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in the Java Card platform's subset of the Java programming language.

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type Object
 boolean Object.equals(Object obj)
          Compares two Objects for equality.

Uses of Object in java.rmi

Subclasses of Object in java.rmi
 class RemoteException
          A Java Card runtime environment-owned instance of RemoteException is thrown to indicate that a communication-related exception has occurred during the execution of a remote method call.

Uses of Object in javacard.framework

Subclasses of Object in javacard.framework
 class AID
          This class encapsulates the Application Identifier (AID) associated with an applet.
 class APDU
          Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) is the communication format between the card and the off-card applications.
 class APDUException
          APDUException represents an APDU related exception.
 class Applet
          This abstract class defines an Java Card technology-based applet.
 class CardException
          The CardException class defines a field reason and two accessor methods getReason() and setReason().
 class CardRuntimeException
          The CardRuntimeException class defines a field reason and two accessor methods getReason() and setReason().
 class ISOException
          ISOException class encapsulates an ISO 7816-4 response status word as its reason code.
 class JCSystem
          The JCSystem class includes a collection of methods to control applet execution, resource management, atomic transaction management, object deletion mechanism and inter-applet object sharing in the Java Card environment.
 class OwnerPIN
          This class represents an Owner PIN, implements Personal Identification Number functionality as defined in the PIN interface, and provides the ability to update the PIN and thus owner functionality.
 class PINException
          PINException represents a OwnerPIN class access-related exception.
 class SystemException
          SystemException represents a JCSystem class related exception.
 class TransactionException
          TransactionException represents an exception in the transaction subsystem.
 class UserException
          UserException represents a User exception.
 class Util
          The Util class contains common utility functions.

Methods in javacard.framework that return Object
static Object[] JCSystem.makeTransientObjectArray(short length, byte event)
          Creates a transient array of Object with the specified array length.

Methods in javacard.framework with parameters of type Object
 boolean AID.equals(Object anObject)
          Compares the AID bytes in this AID instance to the AID bytes in the specified object.
static byte JCSystem.isTransient(Object theObj)
          Checks if the specified object is transient.

Uses of Object in javacard.framework.service

Subclasses of Object in javacard.framework.service
 class BasicService
          This class should be used as the base class for implementing services.
 class CardRemoteObject
          A convenient base class for remote objects for the Java Card platform.
 class Dispatcher
          A Dispatcher is used to build an application by aggregating several services.
 class RMIService
          An implementation of a service that is used to process Java Card platform RMI requests for remotely accessible objects.
 class ServiceException
          ServiceException represents a service framework-related exception.

Uses of Object in

Subclasses of Object in
 class Checksum
          The Checksum class is the base class for CRC (cyclic redundancy check) checksum algorithms.
 class CryptoException
          CryptoException represents a cryptography-related exception.
 class InitializedMessageDigest
          The InitializedMessageDigest class is a subclass of the base class MessageDigest.
 class KeyAgreement
          The KeyAgreement class is the base class for key agreement algorithms such as Diffie-Hellman and EC Diffie-Hellman [IEEE P1363].
 class KeyBuilder
          The KeyBuilder class is a key object factory.
 class KeyPair
          This class is a container for a key pair (a public key and a private key).
 class MessageDigest
          The MessageDigest class is the base class for hashing algorithms.
 class RandomData
          The RandomData abstract class is the base class for random number generation.
 class Signature
          The Signature class is the base class for Signature algorithms.

Uses of Object in javacardx.biometry

Subclasses of Object in javacardx.biometry
 class BioBuilder
          Builds an empty/blank biometric reference template.
 class BioException
          The BioException class encapsulates specific exceptions which can be thrown by the methods of the javacardx.biometry package in case of error.

Uses of Object in javacardx.crypto

Subclasses of Object in javacardx.crypto
 class Cipher
          The Cipher class is the abstract base class for Cipher algorithms.

Uses of Object in javacardx.external

Subclasses of Object in javacardx.external
 class ExternalException
          ExternalException represents an external subsystem related exception.
 class Memory
          This class provides access to memory subsystems that are not directly addressable, typically that of other contactless state machine handlers such as MifareTM.

Uses of Object in javacardx.framework.math

Subclasses of Object in javacardx.framework.math
 class BCDUtil
          The BCDUtil class contains common BCD(binary coded decimal) related utility functions.
 class BigNumber
          The BigNumber class encapsulates an unsigned number whose value is represented in internal hexadecimal format using an implementation specific maximum number of bytes.
 class ParityBit
          The ParityBit class is a utility to assist with DES key parity bit generation.

Uses of Object in javacardx.framework.tlv

Subclasses of Object in javacardx.framework.tlv
 class BERTag
          The abstract BERTag class encapsulates a BER TLV tag.
 class BERTLV
          The abstract BERTLV class encapsulates a BER TLV structure.
 class ConstructedBERTag
          The ConstructedBERTag class encapsulates a constructed BER TLV tag.
 class ConstructedBERTLV
          The ConstructedBERTLV class encapsulates a constructed BER TLV structure.
 class PrimitiveBERTag
          The PrimitiveBERTag class encapsulates a primitive BER TLV tag.
 class PrimitiveBERTLV
          The PrimitiveBERTLV class encapsulates a primitive BER TLV structure.
 class TLVException
          TLVException represents a TLV-related exception.

Uses of Object in javacardx.framework.util

Subclasses of Object in javacardx.framework.util
 class ArrayLogic
          The ArrayLogic class contains common utility functions for manipulating arrays of primitive components - byte, short or int.
 class UtilException
          UtilException represents a util related exception.

Methods in javacardx.framework.util with parameters of type Object
static byte ArrayLogic.arrayCompareGeneric(Object src, short srcOff, Object dest, short destOff, short length)
          Compares an array from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, with the specified position of the destination array from left to right.
static short ArrayLogic.arrayCopyRepack(Object src, short srcOff, short srcLen, Object dest, short destOff)
          Copies data from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
static short ArrayLogic.arrayCopyRepackNonAtomic(Object src, short srcOff, short srcLen, Object dest, short destOff)
          Non-atomically copies data from the specified source array, beginning at the specified position, to the specified position of the destination array.
static short ArrayLogic.arrayFillGenericNonAtomic(Object theArray, short off, short len, Object valArray, short valOff)
          Fills the array of primitive components(non-atomically) beginning at the specified position, for the specified length with the specified value.
static short ArrayLogic.arrayFindGeneric(Object theArray, short off, byte[] valArray, short valOff)
          Finds the first occurrence of the specified value within the specified array.

Uses of Object in javacardx.framework.util.intx

Subclasses of Object in javacardx.framework.util.intx
 class JCint
          The JCint class contains common utility functions using ints.

Java Card

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